Licenses serial codes can be activated on a single machine at a time.
If you need to move the license to another PC please follow this procedure:
1. Start the application on the PC where the license is installed and go to the "License" tab.
2. Click on "Activate / Deactivate License" and confirm the dialogbox.
3. The FaçadeSignage License Manager will appear, choose the "Deactivation" option and insert your current serial code.
4. If the deactivation process is succesful you will be notified with a messagebox.
5. Install the application on the new PC and use the same serial code either in the installer or in the same "License" tab.
Please note that the PC where the license is deactivated cannot run the software anymore, not even the Trial version, you will need to purchase another serial.
If you need to move the license frequently, please contact the support to purchase the license on a hardware USB dongle that can be moved freely between PCs.
If the de-activation process is not succesful please contact Support.