In order to use multiple projectors connected to a single PC you first neet to extend the screen,

so that the whole desktop will become a single seamless window.

Every projector will be dedicated to a portion of the large screen, an you will be able to move 

surfaces between them.

1. Extend the Screen

In order to extend the screen you can use the command on the FaçadeSignage control panel

in the Dashboard section.

Or, you can use the standard Windows procedure, for Windows 7   and for Windows 8 .

2. Setup multiple screens

Since Windows enumerates screens from left to right, you choose the first screen that you want to be part of the multiple projection (usually Screen #0).

You can use the viewfinder button to be sure of the target projector.

Choosing the "Multiple" option you will be able to choose the combination of extended screens that will sum to the total resolution.

In the picture above we have the desktop extended to two screens (the "[2]" number), which total for a 3600x1050 resolution.

If you have more monitors to join you will be able to choose different combinations.

2. Start the Player

After starting the player a single window will be created on the extended desktop, and you will be able to use the application in the usual way.

When moving surfaces around, you will be able to drag it over the left or right border in order to bring it to the other projector.